PLI: Pilot

Towards Effective Partnership and Shared Ownership: A Framework Based on ED&I

PLI: East Africa

This learning document on effective partnership and shared ownership is part of a series under the Programmatic Learning Instrument (PLI). The PLI is an instrument designed to stimulate and facilitate cross-programmatic learning at both the program implementation level and the portfolio management level. This instrument supports co-created learning trajectories, where stakeholders jointly decide the learning objectives and the pathway to achieve them.

Within the PLI framework, Media INK and the Knowledge Platform for Security and Rule of Law (KPSRL) are collaborating on a project titled "Learning Support for the Dutch SROL Program in Somalia." Dutch SROL Program The government of the Netherlands, through its embassy in Nairobi, supports the implementation of various programs within the SROL framework. The overarching objective of this SROL program is to contribute to the improvement of the social contract in Somalia and Somaliland. This is achieved through three different projects implemented by three different consortia:

1. Damal Program: Implementing partners: IDLO, NAFIS Network, Legal Aid Clinic (LAC), and Media INK. The program's objective is to improve the social contract through increased legitimacy of justice sector institutions in Somaliland.

2. Miisaan Program: Implementing partners: Interpeace, Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, and Media INK. The program's objective is to contribute to inclusively developed, locally informed, and widely supported transitional justice frameworks endorsed by key stakeholders in Somalia and Somaliland and integrated with national implementation plans.

3. Danwadaag Program: Implementing partners: VNG, Care, Free Press Unlimited, and Media INK. The program's objective is to improve the social contract through inclusive and transparent Disaster Risk Management.

The four-year SROL program in Somalia began in 2020. The consortia are currently in their third year and have gained a valuable trove of learnings. The primary aim of the PLI learning trajectory is to support Damal, Miisaan, Danwadaag, and the Embassy in fostering collaborative partnerships and facilitating inter-program learning exchanges.

This specific learning document focuses on how to establish effective partnerships that enhance shared ownership. The programs recognize that effective implementation of interventions cannot be done in isolation. Long-term impact can only be achieved when various stakeholders, including communities, government entities, donors, and implementing partners, understand each other and work together. This way of working requires reflection on how organizations operate and a critical examination of how improvements can be made. In this document, we will share best practices and case studies from the three SRoL programs in Somalia. These lessons learned are based on our observations of the programs and conversations with various individuals both inside and outside the SRoL program. 

Additionally, we’ll present a framework to operationalize the learnings. This framework is based on the theory of belonging and presents specific elements that need to be prioritized when examining partnership and shared ownership.

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