Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands)
Brown bag lunch with Magdy Martinez-Soliman, Director Bureau for Program and Policy Support and Izumi Nakamitsu, Director Crisis Response Unit of UNDP
We are pleased to invite you to participate in brown bag lunch with Magdy Martinez-Soliman, Director Bureau for Program and Policy Support and Izumi Nakamitsu, Director Crisis Response Unit of UNDP.
The meeting will address The UN’s role in fragile states and conflict settings in 2015 and beyond. Experiences from UNDP. The discussion will be moderated by Ronald Wormgoor, Head Division Social and Economic UN Affairs, Department for Multilateral Organisations and Human Rights.
The meeting is part of the first thematic network event for Embassy and Ministry staff of the Stabilization and Humanitarian Aid Department (DSH), taking place from 15-17 June in The Hague. DSH invites colleagues working in or on fragile or conflict-affected areas, with a primary focus on one or more of the following themes: Security and Rule of Law, Migration and Development and Humanitarian Aid to join the network. The aim of this first network event is to convene colleagues from Embassies and the Ministry and external partners who are significantly involved in this thematic area, in order to discuss new insights, share experiences and discuss ways and means of strengthening exchange of information within the network.
We would highly appreciate your participation in this event. Registration is on the basis of first come first serve.
Lunch seminar: 'Prospects for Africa: will security threats spoil the rise of the continent?'
The eradication of extreme poverty is central to the UN's post-2015 development agenda and the agenda 2063 of the African Union. The question is, however, whether this is a feasible target for most of the African countries. Dr. Jakkie Cilliers, Executive Director of the Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, South Africa) will discuss this and the interlinkages between security, governance and economic growth.
Lecture on the Crisis in the Central African Republic
On Monday, 7th of April, the Department for Stabilization and Humanitarian Aid (DSH) and the Sub-Saharan Africa Department (DAF) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will organize a lunch lecture on the crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR).
In recent months, violence in the CAR has reached a new and unprecedented level. The armed groups are extremely violent and the number of victims among the civilian population is growing. The conflict is complex and runs along religious and ethnic lines. The humanitarian situation is becoming more acute, and nearly 850,000 people are displaced.
Thierry Vircoulon, project director of the Central-African Department of the International Crisis Group (ICG), will discuss the recent developments in the CAR and elaborate upon the ethnic and religious dimensions, the role of the government and the way forward.
You are free to forward this invitation to anyone who may be interested. Please, since seats are limited, kindly note that registration is required. To enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, please bring a valid ID.
Please click here for more background information.
Netwerkborrel: Terugkomdag Civiele Experts
Op 6 februari 2014 organiseert het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken de jaarlijkse terugkomdag voor civiele experts. Hierbij worden civiele experts uit het expertbestand van BZ uitgenodigd om hun ervaringen in missies te delen met BZ-medewerkers en in gesprek te gaan over beleidsontwikkelingen van het ministerie over relevante thema’s, zoals Rule of Law, Gender en EU-ontwikkelingen. De middag wordt afgesloten met een netwerkborrel voor de civiele experts, beleidsmedewerkers van BZ en vertegenwoordigers van V&J en Defensie.
Het Ministerie wil geïnteresseerde personen uit het Kennisplatform Veiligheid & Rechtsorde graag uitnodigen om deel te nemen aan de netwerkborrel.Vanwege de beperkte ruimte kunnen wij aan 20 geïnteresseerden vanuit het Kennisplatform deelname aanbieden.
Graag vernemen wij uiterlijk vrijdag 17 januari 2014 of u aanwezig zou willen zijn bij deze netwerkborrel. De 20 plaatsen zullen op basis van first come, first served toegekend worden.
* This event will be in Dutch