18 Dec

Learning at the Portfolio Level: Collaborative Learning and Programme Adaptation in Fragile Contexts

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While learning and adaptive management approaches are mostly developed and applied in specific projects, there is a growing interest in information that can inform portfolio-level decision-making and adaptation. Aggregated data, resulting from collaborative learning initiatives, are required to inform ongoing funding cycles as well as future portfolio decisions. However, evidence on what works and what does not in terms of collaborative learning and portfolio adaptation is scarce, especially in fragile contexts. What can geographically dispersed projects working in different sectors learn from each other? How useful is a good practice that worked at the local level when it is de-contextualised? How to experiment with different approaches within one portfolio, without provoking competitive dynamics? Learning beyond the boundaries of institutions and projects to inform programme adaptation and portfolio decision-making – at the right time – remains a tall order.

The workshop will provide insights into the evidence base, lessons learnt and good practices of collaborative learning initiatives, focusing on entry points for collaborative learning results to effectively inform programme adaptation and portfolio decision-making. To this end, the workshop will bring together researchers working on portfolio learning and adaptation, practitioners working in projects with collaborative learning components and policy-makers working on portfolio management.

Preliminary Agenda

09:00    Welcome & introduction, Megan Price, KPSRL

09:15    Setting the scene on portfolio learning and adaption: What has been tested and deemed effective? Anne Buffardi, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Q&A

10:00    Insights from the “Addressing Root Causes (ARC)” learning agenda on adaptive programming: How to implement collaborative learning approaches?, Geert de Jonge, Red een Kind, Q&A

11:00    Coffee Break

11:15    Interactive discussion: Experience-sharing & reflections on collaborative learning and portfolio adaptation

12:30    Wrap up and closing


Click here to download event concept note.

Click here for the full synergy report of the event.

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Hofweg 9-E, 2595 AK Den Haag