Annual Conference 2021: Asymmetric Power
Sessions & Timetable
Please click here for the Conference timetable and check out all of our sessions!
About the Conference
The Knowledge Platform Annual Conference #KPAC21 is the Platform's signature event that brings together our vibrant community for thought-provoking discussions. This year will be our 9th Annual Conference, and as in previous years, we invite representatives from national and international governments and policy organs, think-thanks, journalists, INGO practitioners, activists, diplomats, and field researchers from around the globe to join us. These diverse actors assemble each year with a singular aim: to present their latest projects and freshest ideas, and engage their peers to learn and improve security and justice policy and programs.
This year's theme is Asymmetric Power. The KPSRL community has become increasingly vocal about seizing this moment of upheaval to redress asymmetric power structures. While the sector has long been preoccupied with inequality and injustice in societies, pressure has been mounting to address unequal power distribution within the peace and development sector itself. Rallying cries have risen around ‘decolonizing aid’, radical flexibility in financing and accountability, and donor commitments to affirm transformative resilience and strengthen the localization of support.
These encouraging aspirations, however, must attend to legacies of exclusion, inequality and asymmetry; not only within societies, but also within SRoL and development partnerships.
Click here to download the full concept note.
To gain access to the KPSRL Annual Conference you will have to show your EU Digital COVID Certificate (DCC) to demonstrate your vaccination status upon arrival at the venue.
Please make sure that you have the following ready when arriving onsite:
• Your photo ID
• Digital COVID Certificate proof of vaccination, recovery or 24hr negative test result
Please click here for a more detailed description of our COVID-19 safety regulations for KPAC21.
Keynote Speaker
This year, we are honored to welcome Séverine Autesserre to the KPSRL Annual Conference 2021 as our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Autesserre is an award-winning author, peacebuilder, and researcher, as well as a Professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is the author of The Frontlines of Peace, Peaceland, and The Trouble with the Congo, in addition to articles for publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Policy.
Please click here to read her full bio.