Justice and security

Commission for Investigation and Gathering Evidence: Progress Report 2014 - 2024

Commission for Investigation and Gathering Evidence

This Progress Report charts the mandate and work of The Commission for Investigation and Gathering Evidence, a Duhok-based investigative judicial body established by the Judicial Council of Kurdistan to investigate acts committed by ISIL against ethno-religious minorities in the Sinjar area and Nineveh plains from 10 June 2014 that may amount to genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes under international law.

The report includes quantitative information from CIGE's evidence holdings, which have been carefully selected and screened to ensure that the information remains consistent with legal obligations, best practises and international standards regarding the dissemination of quantitative information derived from evidence. Each data field was assessed against safeguarding criteria, including legal obligations, ethical safeguards, data review and quality control and results screening to ensure that its publication would remain within CIGE's legal and ethical obligations, would not prejudice or damage CIGE’s ability to fulfill its mandate, and to protect confidential or sensitive information as well as victims, witnesses or survivors and CIGE personnel. 

This report was made possible through a collaborative project between the Commission for Investigation and Gathering Evidence and the Case Matrix Network, which was funded by the Knowledge Management Fund of the Knowledge Platform Security and Rule of Law.

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