Radu Nicolae is anticorruption international consultant and president of the board of the Association for Cooperation and Sustainable Development. He graduated Political Science (2003), holds a Master degree in Political Theory (2005) and a PhD degree in Political Science (2010). He has been team leader, key expert or anticorruption/organised crime expert in over 30 projects implemented in Romania and at the European level. Selection of key consultancy assignments: conducting needs assessment on asset recovery in the Republic of Moldova for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); regional liaison Eastern Europe of the network of local research correspondents on corruption organised by European Commission’s Department for migration and home affairs; consultant for the Criminal Asset Recovery Agency in the Republic of Moldova to strengthen the asset recovery system and develop the asset recovery national strategy 2022-2027; senior expert for the “Study on freezing, confiscation and asset recovery in the EU Member States - what works and what does not work” and for the “Study to support the preparation of an impact assessment on EU policy initiatives on asset recovery and confiscation” (contractor: Milieu Consulting SPRL); key expert for strengthening the asset recovery system and the elaboration of the Romanian Asset Recovery Strategy 2021-2025; elaboration of anti-corruption monitoring and evaluation methodologies for the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative; conducting threats and vulnerabilities report on letterbox companies and terrorism financing for the European Commission (contractor: ICF).
He is ISO37001 certified lead auditor by PECB and he participated in developing of the anticorruption management systems of seven central level public institutions, three local authorities and five private companies in Romania, two local authorities and one hospital in the Republic of Moldova. He participated as auditor in peer review missions on the implementation of Romanian National Anticorruption Strategy (among the audited public organizations were Romanian Ministry of Defence, Fight Against Fraud Department – Romanian AFCOS, National Council for Solving Complaints, a body with administrative-jurisdictional activity in the area of public procurement).
He contributed with articles in academic volumes on organized crime and corruption. He also contributed to anticorruption monitoring and implementation guides for civil servants and civil society. He attended numerous international conferences on crime prevention and law enforcement such as Cross-border Crime Colloquium.
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