Policy Brief: Everything is Possible under the Sun

The Peace, Security and Development Network

This policy brief summarizes responses from discussions the authors organized in cooperation with the South Sudan Action Network on Small Arms (SSANSA) in Yambio (WES), Torit (EES) and Juba. The discussions related to the report Security Promotion Seen from Below: Experiences in South Sudan (2011), which is based on eight weeks of field research in Jonglei, Western Equatoria State (WES) and Eastern Equatoria State (EES) in March and April 2011. The report focuses on the dynamics between community security and security promotion initiatives, such as Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) control. The point of departure for the research was the local security context. What are the security problems people face in the communities; what security actors are there available; and to what extent are these actors able and willing to deal with the security issues faced by communities? From these perspectives the research looks at the interventions taking place, investigating their contribution to the improvement of security at the grassroots level.

Peace Security and Development Network 2011

This publication is an outcome of the in 2008 established ‘Network for Peace, Security and Development’. The Network aims to support and encourage the sharing of expertise and cooperation between the different Dutch sectors and organisations involved in fragile states. The PSD Network is an initiative under the Schokland Agreements in 2007.

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