Online Symposium: ‘Evidence-based positioning of Community Security’
On June 11th, Strategic Research Fund 3 (SRF-3) researchers call on ‘Comprehensive Approaches To Security’ and MFA policy makers will step into dialogue. The researchers will share their findings and wider expertise, which will form the basis for a discussion on positioning Community Security within a wider range of development efforts to support security.
This symposium offers opportunities for the researchers and policy makers to exchange expertise on both a practical, case-oriented level, as well as a conceptual, strategic level.
The researche(r)s themselves are already a source for a useful, more hands-on exchange on their specific findings on Human Security processes, with cases in various regions (a.o. MENA, Horn of Africa, Sahel).
However, to add a deeper layer to the discussion, this symposium will also specifically address how these researchers perceived community-level dynamics (e.g. granting legitimacy and people’s perceptions of security). Besides from exploring such Community Security dynamics, a central question is positioning this community-perspective of security vis á vis other development cooperation efforts: how does the perspective of communities fit into Human Security, or what does paying attention to Human Security imply for conventional policies on Security Sector Reform and Preventing Violent Extremism?
After a general introduction four subgroups explore the following topics, of which participants can pick two:
1.1 Legitimacy on community level
1.2 Perceptions of security
2.1 Human Security and PVE
2.2 Embedding Human Security
To confirm your participation, please register using the button below. Please note that this event is closed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands) and the SRF-3 researchers. If you would like to learn more or have a particular interest in this event, please e-mail Christian Kuitert ( for more information.