Land Policy Brief - Dili- Key Findings from the Survey on Access to Land, Tenure Security and Land Conflicts in Timor-Leste
This policy brief summarizes the key findings of the research project conducted by the Van Vollenhoven Institute and The Asia Foundation on access to land, land tenure security, and land conflicts in Timor-Leste. The objective of this research was two-fold: to develop a survey about land issues that could be periodically replicated around the country, and, using this survey, to provide relevant information for land policy and legislation drafting, as well as advocacy by civil society organizations.
The policy brief highlights the key findings of the first use of the survey, which was conducted in 1,152 households of 3 municipalities of Timor-Leste. The survey results identified, for instance, serious problems regarding a lack of legal tenure security among the great majority of respondents, weak perceived tenure security inside the urban area of Dili, and gender inequality in accessing land. The survey also summarises views of the Timorese respondents regarding their land, land rights, and expropriation. For instance, it became clear through this survey that the majority of respondents oppose expropriations that favour private beneficiaries. The full report of this project can be found at
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