Secretariat of the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law
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De Nederlandse Geïntegreerde Benadering: een Leidraad voor effectieve inzet op veiligheid en stabiliteit
Op donderdag 10 juli organiseert het Kennisplatform Veiligheid & Rechtsorde een expert meeting waarop de Leidraad Geïntegreerde Benadering zal worden gepresenteerd.
De Leidraad is een coproductie van de Ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken, Defensie en Veiligheid en Justitie en vormt het Nederlandse antwoord op vragen met betrekking tot het waarom, wat en hoe van de geïntegreerde benadering. Ook bevat de Leidraad enkele aanbevelingen om de Nederlandse toepassing van deze werkwijze verder te verbeteren.
Graag nodigen wij u uit deel te nemen aan deze conferentie waarbij academici, vertegenwoordigers van ngo’s en beleidsmedewerkers vanuit de betrokken ministeries worden gevraagd om gezamenlijk de dialoog aan te gaan over de geïntegreerde benadering en verdere ontwikkeling van deze werkwijze.
De aanbevelingen die voortkomen uit de discussies worden meegenomen in het proces waarin de Leidraad wordt uitgewerkt tot een Compendium Geïntegreerde Benadering, een joint staff working document voor Nederlandse beleidsmakers en –uitvoerders die zich bezighouden met de Nederlandse inzet in conflictgebieden en fragiele staten.
09.00-9.30 Ontvangst
09.30 – 11.00 Presentatie Leidraad Geïntegreerde Benadering en panelgesprek
11.15 - 12.15 Drietal break-outsessies op specifieke sub-onderwerpen
12.30 – 13.00 Plenaire afsluiting en conclusies
13.00 – 13.30 Netwerklunch
* This event is in Dutch
Panel Discussion on 'Local' Conflicts in Transnational Entanglements
'Local' Conflicts in Transnational Entanglements
Challenges for multidimensional external interventions in building sustainable peace
You are cordially invited to join our Panel Discussion.
The aim of the Panel Discussion is to further elaborate on central themes that have been identified by key experts during an Expert Event (by invitation only) on the topic, earlier that day. The outcomes of the Expert Event and Panel Discussion will feed into a research report advancing concrete recommendations for policymakers.
In addition, participants have the opportunity to engage in an online debate on these issues before and after the event.
- Thomas Barfield (Boston University)
- Emile Simpson (Former UK armed forces, author of ‘War from the ground up’)
- Peter Tinti (Journalist)
- Representative Dutch government (tbc)
Present-day conflicts are characterized by significant complexity that results in part from increasing connections between the local and the global that have been enabled by greater ease of communication, transport and technological progress. This complexity makes it difficult to understand, address and resolve current conflicts because it diversifies the aims and interests of conflict parties, increases the number and type of actors that can be involved, and diversifies the strategies and tools they utilize.
Expert Event on 'Local' Conflicts in Transnational Entanglements
On Tuesday 1 July, the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law organizes a one day Expert Event under the Chatham House Rule with a mix of 15-25 academics, policy-makers and NGO representatives to brainstorm how multidimensional external interventions can be made more fit-for-purpose in view of the transnational dimensions of many present-day conflicts.
The Expert Event will take two recent case studies – Afghanistan and Mali - to delve into a discussion of two specific questions:
- What are the key connectors between local conflicts and transnational audiences, resources and tools, and what challenges does this create locally for restoring peace?
- What improvement efforts should be considered to make multidimensional external interventions better fit for purpose in this environment so that they can make a more sustainable contribution to build peace?
The event will be followed by a panel discussion. To register for the panel discussion please send an email to
Event report
The event’s main output will be a short research report that advances concrete suggestions on how multidimensional external missions can deal more effectively with the transnational dimensions of conflicts, so as to be better able to support peacebuilding locally.
Online debate
In addition, participants have the opportunity to engage in an online debate on these issues before and after the event.