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Goal 16 of the SDGs aims for the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. What are the most pressing challenges that need to be overcome in order to enhance access to justice across all sections of society?

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Obtaining and maintaining investment in access to justice remains a challenge. What lessons can we draw from global funding mechanisms to enhance investing in justice specifically? What priority areas for government funding at home and abroad will have the most impact on improving access to justice? Which investment initiatives can we learn from to improve the way we fund access to justice?

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The gap between justice needs and justice delivery remains prevalent in societies across the globe. Improving access to justice may require entirely new ways of thinking, innovation in means and methods, or harnessing new techniques to improve our understanding of the challenges we face. Guiding questions:

  • How do we measure access to justice, and is there room for improvement?
  • How will new technologies help to overcome current justice challenges?
  • Which lessons can we extract from other (high-tech) sectors and apply to improving access to justice?
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